

TypeCapability Specific Standard



Effective Date



Epic MappingRequirement IDRequirement TextLevel


Listed prescribable items

The Solution will contain and provide access to listed prescribable items including all products licensed under the Medicines Act:

  • Prescription Only Medicines (POMs)
  • Pharmacy Medicines (P)
  • General Sales List (GSLs)
  • all Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances (ACBS) approved substance
  • all items in part IX and part X of the Drug Tariff.


Prescribable items information

The information about all such prescribable items listed will include:

  • pack size
  • manufacturer
  • an indication of the NHS reimbursement price

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 



Drug Tariff information

For items within the Drug Tariff, the information will also include:

  • NHS price (e.g. pack price, which would necessitate display of pack size)
  • NHS prescribing status and legal category at pack and formulation level
  • Black Triangle status
  • Indicate if the item is listed in Schedule 2 (SLS items - Part XVIIIB of Drug Tariff) and/or Schedule 1 (Blacklist items - Part XVIIIA of the Drug Tariff)
  • Appliances currently listed in Part IX of Drug Tariff and which are prescribable on the NHS


Prescribable item warnings

The information about all such prescribable items listed will include serious and well documented:

  • significant side-effects,
  • cautions,
  • contra-indications,
  • interactions
  • active ingredients (for duplication checks)


Configurable warnings on Prescribing

A Practice Configurable warning for specific Prescribable items which can be used in conjunction with other criteria, but not limited to:

  • Gender
  • Age

For example, this can be used to display a warning when prescribing Sodium Valproate to females aged 12 years to 55 years inclusive. 



Prescribable items indications/dosage

The information about all such prescribable items listed will include:

  • indications
  • dosage information


dm+d items

The Solution will include ALL dm+d items and not be constrained to a subset of dm+d.

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 



dm+d code

Where an item is present in dm+d it will include its dm+d code.

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 



dm+d name and description

The Solution will store, display and output the full dm+d name and description of the item.

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 



Formularies - Create and maintain

The Solution will allow Formularies to be created and maintained and will not limit the number of Formularies that can be developed.



Formularies - Name

The Solution will allow each Formulary to be named.



Formularies - Adding items

The Solution will allow any item to be added to a Formulary, including generic and proprietary items. However, the Solution will prevent Actual Medicinal Product Pack (AMPP) and Virtual Medicinal Product Pack (VMPP) items from being added to the Formulary.

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 



Formularies - Age-related default dosage/quantities

The Solution will support age-related default dosage/quantities to be defined for any item in the Formulary.



Formularies - Age-related information

If the drug system contains age-related default dosage/quantities information it will be made available when creating Formulary items (see GP-07.2-014)



Formularies - Restrictions

The Solution will enable the use of a Formulary to be restricted to individual Prescribers, groups of Prescribers or types of Prescriber



Formularies - Default

It will be possible to set a default Formulary for each Prescriber.



Formularies - Preferential use

The Solution will allow the preferential use of prescribable items from a Prescriber's default Formulary.



Formularies - Items outside Formulary

When a Formulary is being used as the default, it will be possible, subject to any restrictions applied (see GP-07.2-02), for the Practice User to select items from outside of that Formulary, either from another selected Formulary or from the entirety of the underlying drug database.



Formularies - Sharing

The Solution will support the sharing of a Formulary to/from other organisations using the same Solution.

C14E5, C14E6


General prescribing requirements - Create and issue

Solution will provide the ability to create and issue Prescriptions for:

  • Acute Prescribing

  • Delayed Prescribing

  • Repeat Prescribing:

    • repeat authorisation

    • repeat issue

  • Repeat Dispensing:

    • repeatable authorisation

    • repeatable batch issue

  • Instalment prescribing


General prescribing requirements - Prescriber type

The Solution will support the different Prescriber types as defined by the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee


General prescribing requirements - Prescribable products

A Prescriber can prescribe any product in accordance with the applicable prescribing rights as defined by the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee

C14E2, C14E5


General prescribing requirements - Separate values

The Solution will allow the entry of separate values for:

  • Quantity
  • Unit of measure
    • ability to prescribe using any available units of measure for an item
    • will be inherited from the dm+d data when a dm+d item is used
  • Duration of supply (e.g. in days)

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 

C14E5, C14E12


General prescribing requirements - Access controls

Access controls will be present in order to differentiate between Practice Users who are:

  • authorised to set up and issue new Prescriptions (whether acute, repeat or repeatable)
  • unable to authorise and set up Prescriptions, but allowed to issue repeat Prescriptions already authorised or batch issues connected to repeatable Prescriptions

See RBAC documentation



General prescribing requirements - Request Prescription item

The Solution will allow Practice Users who are not legally allowed to prescribe items to setup such items at the request of an authoriser and will prompt the Practice User to record who has authorised such action.

In such cases the Solution will not enter a default authorising person, and the Practice User will enter the authoriser.



General prescribing requirements - Prescriber sub-types

The Solution will support sub-types of Prescriber, for example:

  • Non-medical Prescribers (For examples, see NICE)
  • Locum
  • Salaried
  • Trainee
  • GP principal

See GP-07.22-03 use of sub-types


General prescribing requirements - Authorise Prescriptions by specified Prescriber

Provide the ability to specify an alternative authorising Prescriber for a Staff Member, to be used when authorising Prescriptions.

See GP-07.22-03 for related printing requirements



General prescribing requirements - View prescribed medicines

The Solution will provide the ability to configure the display of all medicines prescribed (issued) to the Patient including those prescribed by external persons/organisations or bought over the counter drugs (where these are recorded in the Solution), including:

  • In chronological order,
  • In alphabetical order
  • By drug group.


General prescribing requirements - View prescribed medicines information

There will be indication where each item is:

  • An Acute Issue
  • A Repeat Issue
  • A Repeatable Batch Issue

And whether it was prescribed by:

  • This organisation
  • An external organisation
  • An OTC item bought by the Patient


General prescribing requirements - Patient's preferred pharmacy

The Solution will provide a facility to record a Patient’s preferred pharmacy. 

This is a separate data item to EPS nominated pharmacy and will not be used by or shared with the EPS Prescribing elements of the Solution.



General prescribing requirements - Patient's preferred pharmacy information

The Solution will allow the following information to be recorded about the preferred pharmacy:

  • Name
  • Address & post code
  • Telephone number
  • At least one other contact type (e.g. email, fax)

Information to be automatically populated from reference data where possible (e.g. sourced from ODS).



General prescribing requirements - pharmacy printing

The Solution will support the printing of pharmacy details on the right-hand side (RHS) of a Prescription form.

C14E1, C14E5


Point of prescribing - Information from drug system

It will be possible from the prescribing screen to display any information contained in the system about a selected item.



Point of prescribing - Cross check Prescriptions

At the point of prescribing, the Solution will cross check Prescriptions in the Patient Record for known sensitivities, interactions, active ingredient duplication and inappropriate prescribing and, when relevant to the currently selected Patient, will provide an appropriate warning to the Prescriber.

See GP-07.1-013 for warnings and GP-05.3-02 for recording allergies and sensitivities.



Point of prescribing - Early issue of Prescription

When a Prescription is re-issued and the date is earlier than a configurable time period before the expected end date of the previous issue, the Prescriber will be prompted of this and to ask the Patient whether they have any unused batch issues remaining in their possession from the previous batch

C14E1, C14E2, C14E5


Point of prescribing - Original pack

The Solution will prevent the use of the terms ‘Original Pack’ and ‘OP’ wherever possible. The Solution will not allow prescribing by OP as a standard option i.e. to be avoided wherever possible.

C14E1, C14E2, C14E5


Point of prescribing - Standard pack quantities

The Solution will encourage recording of quantities that would match the quantity in a standard pack (e.g. if Simvastatin tablets were produced in packs of 28, the user can be encouraged to record a quantity which allows full packs to be dispensed).

C14E1, C14E2, C14E5


Point of prescribing - Not allow AMPP or VMPP

The Solution will not allow selection of AMPP or VMPP items for prescribing

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 

C14E1, C14E2, C14E5


Point of prescribing - Age related dosage/quantity information

The Solution will make use of any age-related dosage/quantity information available within the Solution or formulary and either:

  • Present age-related default dosage/quantities
  • Provide suitable warnings/notifications to the Practice User together with the age-related information

See GP-07.2-015 and GP-07.2-014 for formulary data

See GP-07.1-014 for Solution dosage information



Generic prescribing - Link between generic and proprietary equivalents

The Solution will provide links between generic and proprietary equivalents in all cases except:

  • Where the British National Formulary (BNF) has advised that generic prescribing is not normally appropriate because of bioavailability of the drug e.g. Lithium, antiepileptics. These drugs should always be easily available for selection in case of non availability of proprietary products
  • Where there is no Approved Non-Proprietary Name (ANPN), i.e. one developed and approved by the British Pharmacopoeia (BP), European Pharmacopoeia, BNF or Drug Tariff
  • For multi-ingredient preparations with no ANPN for the whole preparation


Generic prescribing - Generic names

The generic names used by the Solution will be the relevant Approved Non-Proprietary Names (ANPNs).



Generic prescribing - Translate proprietary into generic

The Solution will provide a means of translating a Prescription item from proprietary into generic (i.e. at the Prescriber's instruction, the Solution will convert the entered proprietary name to the generic name, for display, storage and printing on the Prescription) and allow the Practice User to select either the original proprietary or the generic alternative.



Generic prescribing - Automatically translate proprietary into generic

The Solution will provide a configurable (on/off) automatic default selection of the generic equivalent when a proprietary name is entered and will prompt the Practice User to confirm or reject each generic substitution.



Generic prescribing - Translate generic into proprietary

To support the British National Formulary (BNF) advice that generic Prescribing is not normally appropriate for certain products, the Solution will provide a mechanism for the Practice User to select the required proprietary equivalent.



Repeat prescribing - Finite number of issues or review date

When creating a repeat authorisation the Practice User will be able to record:

  • a finite number of Repeat Medication issues
  • a Repeat Prescription item review date

This will not be mandatory and the Practice User will be able to record both.

See GP-07.3-01 for Prescription types



Repeat prescribing - Default time period

If the Solution includes a facility to set a Practice User defined default time period between repeat authorisation and review, it will not be possible to set it for longer than twelve months. 



Repeat prescribing - Repeat medication review report

The Solution will provide the ability to generate a Patient-based report to identify Patients who are due or overdue for review of their repeat medication.



Repeat prescribing - Repeat issue limitations

The Solution will provide a warning at the point of prescribing when a Practice defined further number of issues of a Repeat Prescription is reached in the following circumstances:

  • after the Patient medication regimen review date or,
  • after the repeat authorisation review date or,
  • if the finite number of repeat issues has been reached or exceeded

The number of further issues will be configurable by job role.



Repeat prescribing - Not requested repeat issues report

The Solution will provide the ability to generate a Patient-based report to identify Patients with prescribed items which have not been requested for a given (Practice defined) period.



Repeat prescribing - Issue repeat item as acute

The Solution can provide a mechanism for creating a one-off acute from an existing repeat. This can allow for details to be changed (e.g. dose or quantity) without affecting the repeat authorisation.

See GP-07.3-01 for Prescription types



Prescription requesting - Management of repeat Prescription requests 

Ability to record, update and cancel Repeat Prescription requests. This includes the management of Repeat Prescription requests by a Citizen.

See GP-SPFS-5.2.2-02A for Citizen management of Repeat Prescription requests



Prescription requesting - Management of Acute Prescription requests 

Ability to create, update and cancel Acute Prescription requests. This includes the management of Acute Prescription requests by a Citizen.

See GP-SPFS-5.2.2-03A for Citizen management of Acute Prescription requests


Repeatable prescribing - Prescriber type

The Solution will allow a repeatable Prescription and associated batch issues to be issued by any Prescriber type defined in GP-07.19-01.



Repeatable prescribing - Dispensing interval & times dispensed

The Solution will allow the Prescriber to record, when prescribing a repeatable Prescription:

  • the dispensing interval (e.g. weekly, 4-weekly, monthly, quarterly) with the default being 28 days.
  • the number of times the repeatable Prescription is to be dispensed (and hence the number of batch issues needed) with the suggested default being 6 (this would require 6 batch issues). The Solution will not allow this to be blank or zero.

See GP-07.3-01 for Prescription types

See NHS England - Repeat Dispensing Guidance



Repeatable prescribing - Number of batch issues

The Solution will output the required number of batch issues on Prescriptions as per Overprint specification with each containing:

  • the same date, medication, quantity, administration, Prescriber endorsements, Patient and Prescriber details as the repeatable Prescription authorisation


Repeatable prescribing - Limit duration

The Solution will limit the duration of the repeatable Prescription and its batch issues to a maximum of 12 months, calculated from the date of prescribing.



Repeatable prescribing - Controlled drugs

The Solution will not allow repeatable Prescriptions for controlled drugs in Schedule 1, 2 or 3.



Repeatable prescribing - Repeatable Medication review report

The Solution will provide the ability to generate a Patient-based report to identify Patients who are due or overdue for review of their repeatable prescribing medication.


Instalment prescribing - Controlled drugs

Instalment prescribing will only be available for Schedule 2 controlled drugs plus the following specific controlled drugs: Buprenorphine, Buprenorphine/Naloxone and Diazepam.

See GP-07.3-01 for Prescription types



Instalment prescribing - Start date

The Solution will allow a ‘Start Date’ (which is different to the date of authorisation and printing) to be recorded and printed on the Prescription form in the prescribing area. 



Instalment prescribing - Daily dose

The Solution will support a ‘daily dose’ field in addition to the overall quantity and detailed dosage instructions. The Solution can provide functionality to construct daily dosage instructions based on daily dose, overall quantity and start date.



Instalment prescribing - Instructions

The Solution will allow the instalment instructions to fill the remainder of (but not exceed) the prescribing area after the medication item and quantity has been printed.



Private controlled drug prescribing

The Solution will support the Acute Prescribing of private controlled drug medications on the FP10 (PCD) Prescription form.

See NHS Prescription Services for latest version


Private controlled drug prescribing - Schedule 2 & 3 medications

The Acute Prescribing of private controlled drug medications on the FP10 (PCD) Prescription form will be limited to Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 medications only.



Regimen review - Review due date

The Solution will provide a facility to record a Patient ‘medication regimen’ review due date (as distinct from individual items).



Regimen review - Review performed

For each ‘medication regimen’ review performed, the Solution will be able to record:

  • the health professional who carried out the review
  • the date and time the review took place


Regimen review - Default time period

If the Solution includes a facility to set a Practice User defined default time period between medication regimen reviews, it will not be possible to set it for longer than twelve months.



Regimen review - medication regimen review report

The Solution will provide the ability to generate a Patient-based report to identify Patients who are due or overdue for their medication regimen review.



Prescription printing - Prescription types

Ability to support the printing of Prescription types that are mandated for General Practice at NHS Prescription Services



Prescription printing - Prescription format

All Prescriptions produced by the Solution are to comply with the appropriate format based on the type of Prescription, as defined by the overprint specifications at NHS Prescription Services



Prescription printing - Pharmacy use

The Solution will not print on parts of the Prescription that are reserved for pharmacy use (except in cases where the Prescription is dispensed by the Practice).



Prescription printing - Conform with printing specifications

Printing specifications are updated from time to time. The Solution will conform to the newly published specification as and when they are introduced within the published timescales for their implementation on the NHS Prescription Services.



Prescription printing - Reprint

The Solution will be able to reprint (provide a duplicate of) a Prescription, including a repeatable Prescription and/or a batch issue and record this in such a way that it does not appear as a re-issue.

This includes an EPS Token which if re-printed does NOT create another EPS message (See Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) - Prescribing for further information).



Prescription printing - Reprint reason

The Solution will prompt the Practice User to provide a reason for the reprint, allowing a minimum of 30 characters for free text explanation for the reprint.



Prescription printing - Reprint text

The Solution will print 'Duplicate' or 'Reprint' on the Prescription.



Prescription printing - Cancel Prescription

The Solution will be able to record the cancellation of a Prescription, including a repeatable Prescription, which has been destroyed, allowing a minimum of 30 characters for free text explanation for the cancellation.



Prescription printing - Cancel Prescription issue count

When a repeatable Prescription is cancelled, the Solution will support the recording of the number of issues that are being cancelled i.e. number remaining.



Prescription printing - Community Practitioner Nurse Prescriber (CPNP) prescribers

When a Community Practitioner Nurse Prescriber (CPNP) selects items for printing which include items they are not authorised to prescribe together with those that they are authorised to prescribe, the Solution will:

  • either include all the items on a single Prescription under the name of an appropriate GP
  • or print two Prescriptions, one with the items the CPNP is authorised to prescribe in their name, and the other with the remaining items in the name of an appropriate GP

See XVIIB(i) of Drug Tariff for information on what CPNP Prescribers are authorised to prescribe.



Prescription printing - Not authorised prescribers - Choice

The Solution will offer the Practice User the choice at the point of prescribing and/or provide settings to handle the options in GP-07.14-06.



Prescription printing - GP issuing items not authorised by themselves

When a GP Prescriber selects items for printing that have been authorised by a non-GP Prescriber (as defined in GP-07.19-01), or a non-GP Prescriber selects items authorised by a CPNP, the Solution will

  • either print all items in the name of the person making the selection (e.g. GP)
  • or print two (or more) Prescriptions in the name(s) of the person who authorised the items


Prescription printing - GP issuing items not authorised by themselves - Choice

The Solution will offer the Practice User the choice at the point of prescribing and/or provide settings to handle the options in GP-07.14-07.



Prescription printing - Selected List Scheme

The Solution will also support the printing of Prescriptions that appear in Schedule 2, indicating that the medicine is prescribable under certain circumstances with the mark ‘SLS’ (meaning Selected List Scheme).



Prescription printing - Private Prescription

The Solution will support the printing of a private Prescription, or a request for the doctor to write a Prescription on the blank part (right hand side tear off) of the NHS Prescription form.



Prescription printing - Prescriber types

When the person authorising the Prescription is one of the sub types of GP Prescriber as defined in GP-07.3-041,  the Solution will print the name of the responsible GP or specified Prescriber (see GP-07.22-02) on the Prescription form in accordance with the Prescription overprint specification as produced by the NHS Prescription Services. 

The Solution will record both the authorising Prescriber and the responsible GP.



Recording other drugs and appliances

The Solution will store all Prescriptions, repeatable Prescriptions, and batch issues printed or recorded by the Practice. This information will be stored in a way that allows the details described in GP-07.15-011 to be recalled but not changed or deleted.

C14E1, C14E5,  C14E6


Recording drugs and appliances information

The Solution will allow the following information to be stored for each prescribable item authorised or printed on a Prescription:

  • A dm+d code, where one exists, or other code (if a dm+d code does not exist) identifying the prescribed item;
  • The dm+d name, or other name (if a dm+d code does not exist) of the prescribed item;
  • dm+d description
  • If no dm+d details exist, the form, strength and quantity prescribed;
  • The dosage instructions in full;
  • An indication of whether this is an Acute Prescription, an authorisation for a repeatable item, or a further issue of a Repeat Prescription, a Repeatable Prescription, or a batch issue;
  • The date of authorisation;
  • The date of issuing (printing, electronic message sent);
  • The prescriber authorising the Prescription (cross-referenced to partner/staff);
  • The person who enters the data (cross-referenced to a Practice User)

If the Solution does not directly use the dm+d drug and appliance resource for Prescribing (having only a cross-reference to it), then in this instance, only the cross-reference to the dm+d code needs be stored in the record, i.e. there is no need to store the dm+d code plus the dm+d coded term.



Recording other drugs and appliances - Without producing Prescriptions

The Solution will be able to record details of prescribed items by authorised Prescribers who are Practice Users without the need to print the Prescription or initiate Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) functionality (e.g. for hand written Prescriptions). It will be possible to enter past dates for such items. The Solution will support the entry of the same data items as printed Prescriptions.



Recording other drugs and appliances - Prescriptions items issued/dispensed by other organisations

The Solution will be able to record details of Prescription items issued/dispensed by other organisations (e.g. Hospitals, Out of Hours Service, Walk In Centres, another GP Practice) without having to issue the medication or print the Prescription or, if supported, initiate Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) functionality.



Recording other drugs and appliances - Prescriptions items issued/dispensed by other organisations information

The following associated data items will be able to be recorded when adding details of items issued by other organisations:

  • Issue/commencement date (will be allowed to be a past date)
  • Duration period
  • End/ceased date
  • An indication as to whether the item is ‘current’
  • A review date
  • Responsible Organisation


Recording other drugs and appliances - recording over the counter (OTC) Prescription items

The Solution will be able to record details of Prescription items which the Patient obtains directly (i.e. OTC items) without the need to print the Prescription. 



Recording other drugs and appliances - selecting item prescribed elsewhere/over the counter (OTC)

When recording an item prescribed elsewhere or an OTC item, the Practice User is able to select from the entire list of prescribable items.


Recording other drugs and appliances - free text item prescribed elsewhere/over the counter (OTC)

Practice User to be able to record free text items when recording items prescribed elsewhere or an OTC item.



Recording other drugs and appliances - OTC Prescription items information

The following associated data items will be able to be recorded when adding OTC items:

  • Issue/commencement date (shall be allowed to be a past date)
  • Duration period
  • End/ceased date
  • An indication as to whether the item is ‘current’
  • A review date


Recording other drugs and appliances - Current medication

All the above items in GP-07.15-02, GP-07.15-04 or GP-07.15-051 that are 'current' (e.g. have not reached an end date or otherwise marked as ended) will:

  • be included within the concept of ‘current medication’ elsewhere in the Solution and,
  • be included when checking for contra-indications, sensitivities, duplicate ingredient checks, etc. when issuing or authorising the same or similar items locally as per normal prescribing functionality described elsewhere in this Capability and,
  • be included in outputs where appropriate (e.g. GP2GP record transfer, medication sections of referrals, medication section of GP Summaries for the Summary Care Record)

If an OTC or item issued by another organisation is not present in the drug system (e.g. recorded as free-text - see GP-07.22-04), the Solution does not need to undertake the checks above. Such items will still be included in outputs using an appropriate ‘null’ code.



Recording other drugs and appliances - Schedule 1 of NHS regulations

The Solution will allow the recording of Prescriptions for items that appear in Schedule 1 of the NHS (General Medical Services) Regulations.

These items will not be printed on the NHS Prescription form.



Recording other drugs and appliances - Personally administered/dispensed by Practice

The Solution will support the prescribing of each item personally administered (dispensed) by the Practice.

See GMS Statement of Financial Entitlements 2013, section 23



Recording other drugs and appliances - Personally administered/dispensed by Practice information

For all such items the following additional data items will be recorded:

  • Drug or appliance name;
  • Form, strength, quantity and original pack size;
  • Code (e.g. dm+d code) identifying the prescribed item;

The Solution to also allow recording of:

  • Batch number;
  • Manufacturer;
  • Expiry date.
C14E6, C14E5


Handling invalid dm+d items - Attribute 1

The Solution will prevent a dm+d item whose ‘INVALID’ attribute is ‘1’ from being prescribed including the printing of a Repeat Prescription where the item has become ‘invalid’ since it was authorised, the Solution will inform the Practice User that the item is ‘invalid’.

This requirement applies to Virtual Therapeutic Moiety (VTM), Virtual Medicinal Product (VMP), Actual Medicinal Product (AMP), Virtual Medicinal Product Pack (VMPP) and Actual Medicinal Product Pack (AMPP).

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 

C14E6, C14E5


Handling invalid dm+d items - Attribute 0004

The Solution will prevent a dm+d VMP whose ‘PRES_STATCD’ attribute is ‘0004 | Never Valid To Prescribe As A VMP’ from being prescribed including the printing of a Repeat Prescription where the item has become ‘invalid’ since it was authorised. The Solution will inform the Practice User that the item is ‘Invalid as a prescribable product’ and that a substitute item needs to be selected in its place.

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 

C14E1, C14E5


Handling restricted availability dm+d AMP items - Attribute not set to 0001

If a dm+d AMP item selected to prescribe has its ‘AVAIL_RESTRICTCD’ value not set to ‘0001’ the Solution will either warn or indicate in some way to the Practice User that the item has some availability restrictions.

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 

C14E1, C14E5


Handling restricted availability dm+d VMP items - Attribute set to 0001

If a dm+d VMP item selected to prescribe has its ‘NON_AVAILCD’ value as ‘0001 | Actual Products not Available’ the Solution will either warn or indicate in some way to the Practice User that the item has some availability restrictions.

For Standard of dictionary for medicines licensed in the UK see: SCCI0052 Dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) 



Items with ‘as needed’ dosage instructions - Configuration to prompt separation of 'as needed' items

The Solution will provide a configuration setting to control whether prescribers are prompted to separate ‘as needed’ items from other items when generating Repeat Prescriptions or repeatable prescribing Prescriptions (and their Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) counterparts).

'As needed' describes prescribed items that are not consumed regularly, i.e. are used intermittently. They are often dispensed again unnecessarily leading to Patients holding large amounts of the item in stock which may never get used. This is a problem when such items are included on the same repeatable prescribing Prescription as regular items and would be included in the same ‘batch’, and thus dispensed each time the regular item is dispensed. Similar problems can occur when a person other than the Patient requests a repeat Prescription, and defaults to selecting all items. The term ‘as needed’ is used synonymously with ‘as required’, or ‘PRN’. 



Items with ‘as needed’ dosage instructions - Flag

The Solution will provide a mechanism to ‘flag’ a prescribed item as ‘as needed’.



Items with ‘as needed’ dosage instructions - Prompt separation of 'as needed' items

When one or more ‘as needed’ items are selected, with or without items that are not ‘as needed’, for inclusion in a repeatable Prescription batch, the Solution will, if the configuration setting to prompt the Practice User is ON, ask the Practice User to decide whether the ‘as needed’ items are to be on separate Prescriptions.



Items with ‘as needed’ dosage instructions - Separate repeatable prescribing batch

If the Practice User chooses to have them on separate Prescriptions each of the ‘as needed’ items will be on its own separate repeatable prescribing batch.



Items with ‘as needed’ dosage instructions - Query print on separate Prescriptions

When one or more ‘as needed’ items are selected, with or without items that are not ‘as needed’, for inclusion in a repeat authorisation the Solution will, if the configuration setting to prompt the Practice User is ON, ask the Practice User to decide whether the ‘as needed’ items are to be on separate Prescriptions.



Items with ‘as needed’ dosage instructions - Separate 'as needed' items

When printing details or lists of repeat items on the RHS of FP10s the Solution will separate ‘as needed’ from other items.



Items with ‘as needed’ dosage instructions - Practice defined text for 'as needed' items

The Solution will allow Practice defined text on the RHS to be associated with ‘as needed’ items (e.g. the ability to print ‘ONLY request the items below again if needed’).



Financially responsible organisation

Print the financially responsible organisation onto the FP10. The Solution will use ODS as the definitive/legal source of this organisational data.


Sodium Valproate Reporting

Report using the following criteria on the number of people who are currently prescribed Sodium Valproate:


  • Female


  • 12 years to 55 years inclusive.

Prescriptions Service - EPS Nominated Pharmacy changes

Practice will be able to view when a Patient's EPS nominated Pharmacy has been changed or removed.


Access Patient Record

Access a Patient Record where a Patient has been successfully identified, linked, listed or otherwise presented to the user.


All supplier Solutions will need to meet this Standard if they are delivering the Prescribing Capability


Suppliers will not be assessed or assured on these Roadmap Items as part of Onboarding